====== Hollywood Costumes ====== {{locations:hollywood_costumes.jpg}} 4610 Liberty Avenue\\ Pittsburgh, PA\\ 15224\\ [[https://www.google.com/maps/preview?q=4610+Liberty+Ave,+Pittsburgh,+PA+15224&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x8834f247afaf222f:0x18b61867644f2f73,4610+Liberty+Ave,+Pittsburgh,+PA+15224&gl=us&ei=YuNgU7f6Meam2AXjvYCwDQ&ved=0CCYQ8gEwAA|map]] The Hollywood costume shop is the premier place in the city for Heroes to buy their signature looks. Founded in 1998 by [[people:Man of 1000 Faces|Daniel Gordon]] it has serviced the needs of several films, local theater guilds, and more recently a growing super hero scene. {{tag>shopping}}